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We are affiliating with so that if you buy something from the links we post we get a small commission (including the banner in the sidebar). We're doing this because money. Life is expensive, even without serious book habits. This means that we link to bookdepository because if you buy there we get a teeny tiny commission (5%), but, books being books, you can of course buy them anywhere you like. Such as your local indie bookstore (if you're lucky enough to have one).

The affiliate program works in a way that we can link to whichever books we want, and since we are already reading books we might as well link to bookdepository (where we already buy tons of books!). We do not push books because we're asked to. We do not write positively about books because of this affiliate program. The affiliate program does two things: We add a banner. We add links to a certain online shop. If you click on it and then end up buying (anything!) from them we get a commision. That's it. A banner and links. We'd probably be linking anyway.

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