Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Kiwie's TBR pile #7: August

Wait, this isn't the first friday of the month? This isn't even at the beginning of the month? Sorry, but in my defense I've been busy watching Covert Affairs. Yeah. I know. Shush.

Okay, so after my attempt at the BookTube-A-Thon (a week of reading) my piles were a big mess, and I've just now gotten round to putting things back where they belong. Because of my last minute decision to join in on the BookTube-A-Thon I ended up not reading my immediate TBR, so things look very much the same, but in happy news: I DID NOT BUY A SINGLE BOOK IN JULY! I feel like someone ought to be high fiving me right now. No? Fine then.

On to the important bit, these are my piles as of right now (Aug. 12):
As I'm sure you noticed the pile is the same. Some things were moved about a little, the contents are the same. No change. Hopefully by the next post there is some. I'm thinking of doing another read-a-thin, but this time without videos and travel so it would be much less stressfull! 

My immediate TBR is also much the same:

I added Count Karlstein by Philip Pullman (Goodreads | Buy it from Bookdepository). Otherwise the pile is the same, and this time I will get through it!


  1. HAHHA! I love how you took the picture and told us it's basically the same. I know how you feel. I wish I could just speed read super duper fast. But I can't.

    1. Well, not documenting it would leave a hole in my illustrations... :P

      Yup, would like to read more & faster, but I can't either. It only lasts for a bit then I read very little for a period (& I get piles like these).
