Saturday, 5 July 2014

Kiwie's TBR-pile #6, July: The Nightmare almost came true!

June turned out to be the month were two piles became three, eeek, fortunately it was a temporary situation. I got 5 new books! I only needed one for pile number three to form, well, it wouldn't be a pile with only one book, but still. I made a video about the books I got, you can see it here. It's terrible. I just didn't speak too clearly.

I also read a whole bunch of books in June. Being unemployed I have massive amounts of time (half of it I spend having panic attacks about my life), and spend quite a bit of it with my nose in a book.

Books I read in June:
  1. Curtsies & Conspiracies (Finishing School #2) by Gail Carriger
  2. Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth (Nightside #6) by Simon R. Green
  3. Blackbirds (Miriam Black #1) by Chuck Wendig
  4. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
  5. Summer Knight (The Dresden Files #4) by Jim Butcher.

That's pretty good I think. I really liked these also.In May read along with Vaginal Fantasy , and I have done so again, but as I'm writing this I'm not done yet (but that's okay, the hangout isn't until next week anyway). I'm about halfway into The Lions of Al-Rassan now, and I must admit I've spent almost half the month on it, I like it, but I'm in a reading slump it seems. I just cannot get myself to pick it up, but when I do pick it up I read a hundred pages before realizing that time is something that happens and that maybe I should go to sleep.

Pile status:

Well, isn't that a miserable sight? I'm hoping to read at least 6 books in July, buy none and only borrow one from the library (if that), so that I get my piles back under (relative) control. Here's the four books I've picked beforehand:

As you can see I've included the book that I'm currently reading (I have not done so in the past, but there are 250 pages left of it, and well, that's book length). Then I've got two of my birthday books and then The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton (and this I've technically read before, but I've deliberately left it in my pile to re-read, it's been a decade anyway). That latter was a TBR-jar pick, and I'm pretty happy about it.

I'm also doing Camp Nanowrimo in July (not going well I've had to start a second story because the one I wanted to write doesn't want to come out and it is the umpteenth time I've tried it. ONE DAY I WILL SUCCEED!).

Have a nice July everyone, we'll be back with a monthly read for August! We're taking a summer break (what with Nano + going on vacations and reading slumps and all).

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