Books I got (all links to goodreads):
- Pirate Latitudes by Michael Crichton.
- Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
- Blackbirds by Chuck Wendig
- Curtsies & Conspiracies by Gail Carriger
- Hollow City by Ransom Riggs
The last two are both #2 in their respective series (or trilogies or whatever they are), so no breaking of the rules with them(also I didn't pay for them myself, my father did, thanks dad!). The other three are totally breaking the rules though, but the pirate one was used and cheap, I do like Rainbow Rowell (and one could argue that it is a book by an author I love and so I'm allowed, but then one remembers that it isn't quite new...) and there is absolutely no excuse for Wendig's novel other than this: I FINISHED SCHOOL AND AM NOW A FULL TIME UNEMPLOYED PERSON (give me a job).
Okay. So obviously my TBR pile grew a lot (and all progress was lost), in addition to that I've mostly just read library books. I did finish the four books I pulled out for my May TBR though, so that's good. I also read three more books. Two in the Nightside series (and have another checked out of the library), plus this month's Vaginal Fantasy read Hunter's Claim, because why not (it sucked, don't bother unless you want poorly edited alien abduction fantasies & follow the drinking game they came up with over at goodreads: Hunter's Claim: Drinking Game) . That's seven books for those who are counting (me).
Okay so my TBR-piles-of-shame look like this now:
One more book and I would have three piles instead of two... 5 new books was all it took. I also have a library book that I'm planning to read, so one could say I'e started a third pile... If anyone is wondering, that Amanda Palmer art book is not part of any pile, it's just too big to fit anywhere else, nor is that book under Middlesex a part of it, I just don't know where to put it, same with the Lost Souls copy that is wedged between the piles, but that I want to re-read so you can count it if you want).
Now, what will I read this month? What does June have in store for me?
Well, mostly the books I bought in May, with the exeption of Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth which is the sixth book in the Nightside series (which means I'll be halfway in the series when I've read it). If anyone is considering reading the Nightside series I think I reccomend getting the omnibuses, or at least the first one: Into the Nightside (bookdepository link) as the first book really isn't as good as the rest (which isn't very good, but entertaining and fun) and having the next book in the series in the same volume might encourage you to read it, or if you dislike the first one you can just try out the second immediately. Or just skip the first one completely. That is also an option. They're really short (around 230-50 pages mostly) too. Okay, I think I've pushed them enough now.
What does your June reading landscape look like?